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Minnesota Encampment is a week-long activity held each summer at Camp Ripley for our youth members (cadets). First-time Encampment students will be immersed in training, including drill and PT (physical training), leadership and aerospace class, and learning the chain of command that helps to make their home units run efficiently. Encampment is a youth-led activity overseen by adult members of the Civil Air Patrol. Encampment is a prerequisite for cadets to attend National Special Cadet Activities and is required to earn the Billy Mitchell Award. Join us to make lifelong friends with cadets from across our state.

Encampment 2022 Dates

March 4-6: Cadre Selection Exercise (Fri-Sun)
March 31 - April 3: Cadre Training Weekend (Thur-Sun)
April 29 - May 1: Encampment Preparatory School (Fri-Sun)
June 23: Encampment Exec Staff Arrival (Thursday)
June 24: Encampment Cadre Arrival (Friday)
June 25 - July 2: Encampment (Saturday to Saturday)

General Schedule

Minnesota usually finds out their week for encampment in November. Encampment generally runs from Saturday to Saturday for cadets. Registration for cadets usually opens in early spring.

Applications for cadet and senior member staff positions usually open over the winter. These opportunities will be communicated via the Minnesota Wing Announcements. 

Encampment Curriculum

Mission. The purpose of the cadet encampment is for cadets to develop leadership skills, investigate the aerospace sciences and related careers, commit to a habit of regular exercise, and solidify their moral character.

Vision. The vision for the cadet encampment is “an immersion into the full challenges and opportunities of cadet life.”

Philosophy. Encampment presents the five key traits of cadet life – the uniform, aerospace themes, opportunities to lead, challenge, and fun (ref: CAPR 60-1, chapter 1) – in an intensive environment that moves cadets beyond their normal comfort zones for personal growth. 

Mission, Vision, and Philosophy CAPP 60-70

Financial Assistance

Help with tuition and uniform expenses is available. Please see the Cadet Encampment Assistance Program page. Applications generally open in March for summer encampment and close 30 days before the encampment week.

Out of State Encampments

If you have a conflict with the Minnesota Encampment or want to network outside the state, see the National Headquarters Encampment webpage for a list of all upcoming encampments. These will generally be listed in the spring as each state sets its dates. The registrations process and dates vary by state.

Required Physical

First-time attendees will need to submit CAPF 162-CAP Member Physical Exam Form. This must be signed by a medical professional, similar to a school sports physical. There will be more forms to submit, but this one is nice to get done on your next trip to the doctor's office.

Additional Information Member registration site Cadet information page

(All above links will open new browser windows outside the CAP.GOV domain.)

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